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Phoenix Audio Zoom Room Kit Bundle

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Creating the perfect video conferencing experience for a large collaboration space is easier than ever. Phoenix Audio Technologies has teamed up with top AV industry manufacturers to design a kit that allows users to create an integrated conferencing experience that is simple to install, easy to use, and requires ZERO programming. This is truly your "set it and forget it" video conferencing solution.

Having an "integrated room" means that there are dedicated devices for each aspect of video conferencing. Integrated systems offer users significantly higher quality experiences that they would miss out on with all-in-one solutions. Most of the trouble associated with an all-in-one video conferencing solution comes from the fact they are not designed for large collaboration spaces. In an integrated room, there are dedicated devices for video, audio, and sound that allow you to configure them accordingly to optimize performance within that environment.

Integrated audio systems also offer users a sleek and clean look. With the Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling acting as your microphone, you will install it in place of a ceiling tile. The whole idea is that you won’t even know it’s there! Pairing the Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling with the Phoenix Audio Stingray DSP Mixer is a match made in heaven that provides you with a massive time and budget savings.

The components included with this zoom room included:
Aver Cam520 Camera
Phoenix Audio Stingray DSP Mixer
Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling microphone
Intel NUC PC
C2G Ceiling Speakers
iPad Mini
Heckler Design Console


<p>Creating the perfect video conferencing experience for a large collaboration space is easier than ever. Phoenix Audio Technologies has teamed up with top AV industry manufacturers to design a kit that allows users to create an integrated conferencing experience that is simple to install, easy to use, and requires ZERO programming. This is truly your "set it and forget it" video conferencing solution.</p> <p>Having an "integrated room" means that there are dedicated devices for each aspect of video conferencing. Integrated systems offer users significantly higher quality experiences that they would miss out on with all-in-one solutions. Most of the trouble associated with an all-in-one video conferencing solution comes from the fact they are not designed for large collaboration spaces. In an integrated room, there are dedicated devices for video, audio, and sound that allow you to configure them accordingly to optimize performance within that environment.</p> <p>Integrated audio systems also offer users a sleek and clean look. With the Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling acting as your microphone, you will install it in place of a ceiling tile. The whole idea is that you won&rsquo;t even know it&rsquo;s there! Pairing the Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling with the Phoenix Audio Stingray DSP Mixer is a match made in heaven that provides you with a massive time and budget savings.</p> <p><strong>The components included with this zoom room included:</strong><br />Aver Cam520 Camera<br />Phoenix Audio Stingray DSP Mixer<br />Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling microphone<br />Intel NUC PC<br />C2G Ceiling Speakers<br />iPad Mini<br />Heckler Design Console</p> <p><br /><a title="ZoomRooms" href=";order=DESC&amp;search=ZOOM-ROOMS"><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="" data-src="" alt="" /></a><br /><br /></p> <p> <br/> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> </p> <p> Tags: #UC-MEETING-ROOMS #ZOOM-ROOMS #UC-ZOOM #UC-HUDDLE-ROOMS </p> <span class="stock-unavailable">Contact Sales for Quotation</span> Request More Information


    Creating the perfect video conferencing experience for a large collaboration space is easier than ever. Phoenix Audio Technologies has teamed up with top AV industry manufacturers to design a kit that allows users to create an integrated conferencing experience that is simple to install, easy to use, and requires ZERO programming. This is truly your "set it and forget it" video conferencing solution.

    Having an "integrated room" means that there are dedicated devices for each aspect of video conferencing. Integrated systems offer users significantly higher quality experiences that they would miss out on with all-in-one solutions. Most of the trouble associated with an all-in-one video conferencing solution comes from the fact they are not designed for large collaboration spaces. In an integrated room, there are dedicated devices for video, audio, and sound that allow you to configure them accordingly to optimize performance within that environment.

    Integrated audio systems also offer users a sleek and clean look. With the Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling acting as your microphone, you will install it in place of a ceiling tile. The whole idea is that you won’t even know it’s there! Pairing the Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling with the Phoenix Audio Stingray DSP Mixer is a match made in heaven that provides you with a massive time and budget savings.

    The components included with this zoom room included:
    Aver Cam520 Camera
    Phoenix Audio Stingray DSP Mixer
    Sennheiser TeamConnect Ceiling microphone
    Intel NUC PC
    C2G Ceiling Speakers
    iPad Mini
    Heckler Design Console



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